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Is as special monomer agent used to enhance adhesion between indirect restorative materials and composite resin cements.
Significantly enhances bond strengths to Zirconia, Alumina and Metal substrates resulting in its high bond strengths.
Unique Benefits:
• Unparalleled bond strengths to Zirconia, Alumina and Metal restorations
• Compatible with light-cured and dual-cured resin luting cements
• Convenient, single bottle delivery offers ease of dispensing
• Versatility and durability with many different substrates
• Significantly enhances bond strengths of other resin cements*
Composite / Zirconium Primer
Is as light cure priming agent used to enhance adhesion between composites / zirconium based restorative materials and composite resin cements.
Significantly enhances bond strengths to Zirconium composites resulting in its higher bond strengths.
Unique Benefits: • Compatible with light-cured and dual-cured resin luting cements • Convenient, single bottle delivery offers ease of dispensing • Versatility and durability with many different substrates • Significantly enhances bond strengths of other resin cements*