The Simple One Amalgam Separator(x2) & Amalgam Separator 5 Gallon Container Recycling Kit & Vacuum System Cleaner Eco Vac 1 Pint Bottle

The Simple One Amalgam Separator(x2) & Amalgam Separator 5 Gallon Container Recycling Kit & Vacuum System Cleaner Eco Vac 1 Pint Bottle

18 in stock.
Quantity must be 1 or more
Regular price $384.00

The Simple One® is the most cost effective & easy to use chair side amalgam separator! This amalgam separator will save money on competitors replacement filters & Maintenance throughout!

Note: To achieve longest life

  •  Use liquid, non-foaming cleaners
  • Do not install with 90° angles
  • Use 1/2 gallon of water or less when flushing lines

 Additional Resources

VIDEO: How to Install Your SimpleOne Chairside Amalgam Separator

Informational Brochure: The SimpleOne®

Full Instructions: DD2011 Chairside Amalgam Separator Instruction


5 Gallon Waste Recycling Kit

The Recycling Kit is designed for the shipment of your amalgam waste. It includes a pre-paid shipping label all the necessary documentation for your entire recycling process. This will also house 6 Simple One Chair Side Amalgam Separators.

DCI Vacuum System Cleaner Eco Vac 1 Pint Bottle

(Recommened for the Simple One Separator)

  • Continuous cleaning action
  • Environmentally safe
  • Contains no hazardous materials
  • Non-corrosive liquid; safe to handle & store
  • Easy to use, measured 1 pint dispenser holds 32 applications
  • Non-Toxic, non-pathogenic


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